Learn basic CPR

Learn basic CPR
What Are We About?
Twin City MIH ambulance Services (TCC) offers non-emergency private ambulances for a wide variety of needs. You may require our services for:
Ambulance/Admission to hospital
Discharge from hospital
Moving into a hospice or care home
Support with change of accommodation
Doctor's appointments
Dialysis appointments
We are based in Castle Coakley Christiansted, St. Croix and offer ambulance services to any location on the island. Our staff are on hand to ensure your safety and wellbeing whilst in our care. We are available for bookings 5 days a week. Please do not hesitate to inquire at any time to discuss your ambulance requirements.

Healthcare Providers & Doctors
The physician certification statement certificate of Medical Necessity for Ambulance authorization form is the first step to determining a patients transport criteria. It is important to complete this form in its entirety. If there are questions about how this form should be completed, please contact the hospitals case management or Twin City Care
6049 Estate Castle Coakley Suite #5
Christiansted, St. Croix
U.S. Virgin Islands 00820